Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Year in Review - 2008

So now is the time when all good men and women (okay maybe not good and maybe not all, but it sounds better that way) take a look a the year that has passed and look forward to the year ahead.
Yep, it's almost New Year's Day and like many in the world, I'm considering the things that went right in the past twelve months and the things that went wrong. The goal for the coming year is to maintain/retain those things that worked, improve those things that didn't and just forget some of those things that need forgetting.
Physical Health
While I did not make progress on my weight loss goals for this year, I didn't really backtrack either. My weight and clothes size is essentially the same as last year. I did however train for and complete a bicycle century, so one big accomplishment physically. I rejoined the Y, one of my favorite places to work out and have been making a great effort to exercise regularly.
2009 Goal: Stop paying Weightwatchers! (ie. make goal and Lifetime)
With the economy taking a downturn and layoffs happening left and right, it's not surprising that work has lost a little of its joy and excitement. For the last year, I have watched benefits decrease, employee morale lower and more work get piled up. Many people say be thankful you have a job and I am. However, I am also one of those people who feels that if you don't enjoy your job, it's not beneficial to you or the company.
2009 Goal: Rediscover the joy in architecture.
This year was definite year for growth with friends and family.
2009 Goal: Let my friends and family know how much I love them and appreciate them in my life!
Paris at Christmas! Need I say more? Yes? Okay. I spent seven full days in Paris between December 19th and December 26th with a very good friend. We walked all over the city, tried scrumptious food, saw wonderful architecture (my opinion) and generally exhausted ourselves. It was so worth it and I have two yummy boxes of chocolates to enjoy into the New Year.
2009 Goal: Travel to the next place (Italy, Egypt, Thailand, who knows?).

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Holidays and Travel

So this year for Christmas, I am not spending time with my family, I am not putting up a tree and I am not buy presents. This year, I go to Paris! or as I should say "Je vais a Paris pour le Noel." Cool, right? I've never been and I think this will the best time to see the City of Lights. From what I've heard, the lights are fantastic right now.