Thursday, January 28, 2010

Arguments for Recurring Driver's Tests

So lately as I've been wandering around Orlando, I've seen some rather disturbing driving habits that really make me wish we were required to pass a driver's test every 5 years or so. And not 75% or better pass, but 100% know all the answers kind of pass.
- Parallel parking against the flow of traffic. I still remember the one time I did this when I first got my permit. My mom practically yelled at me. It made an impression.
And this one really scares me. At a traffic light at two 8 lane road intersections. On a red light. Making a U-turn. Could someone please tell me where this creative bit of driving has come from? I don't know where it's written that red means go.
- And then, of course, there's the drivers who refuse to share the road with bicyclists. As an avid cyclist, I strongly believe in the "Same Road, Same Rules" guidelines. This does require cooperation between motorist and cyclist. I admit to getting frustrated by bicyclists who don't follow the rules of the road, but I remind myself not to get too upset about it. Even the worst bicyclist does not deserve to have an angry motorist clip them with their car.

A friend of my sister's came up with an interesting idea, that I have expanded upon here. People should be required to first get lessons and a license to ride a bicycle on the road. Once that is accomplished (with a time frame of experience following), the next step would be a motorcycle. After each of these steps, you can finally learn to drive an automobile. The theory is that people would learn respect for everyone on the road--pedestrian, cyclist, biker or motorist. Because in the end, whoever is at fault for an accident between any of the above, the car wins.

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