Saturday, December 4, 2010

29 Gifts in 29 Days

While on vacation last week, I took along a book called 29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving can Change Your Life by Cami Walker. The premise of the book is to spend twenty-nine days consciously giving gifts. They can be big, they can be small, but give away one thing every day. The author's life is changed by her intentional giving of gifts each day for a month. Her gifts included things as small as a cup of hot chocolate or advice to a friend to a massage or $100 to a good cause. At least one of the gifts was supposed to be something you feel like you can't give up.
In honor of the finer meanings of the holiday seasons, I am beginning my own gift-giving cycle on Sunday, December 5th. As the gift-giving challenge suggests, I will be journaling about each gift. Occasionally, I will blog about the gifts and the changes that take place as a result of the process.
Anyone interested in participating can sign up on the website:

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