Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Reading Quotes and Related Thoughts

“Reading is a means of thinking with another person's mind; it forces you to stretch your own.”
- Charles Scribner Jr
I've been looking up quotes on reading for a project at work and came across the above through a Google search. After reading the quote, I did some further research on Charles Scribner, Jr and discovered there are no fewer than five! Digging deeper, I found that this Junior is technically the fourth, born in 1921 to the Scribner family of publishing fame. Apparently, each son used the name Charles Scribner, Jr. Sort of brings to mind those sci-fi stories where dynastic families find a way to live forever but "create" each successive generation as a camouflage. But I digress...

Language is the soul of intellect, and reading is the essential process by which that intellect is cultivated beyond the commonplace experiences of everyday life.
- Charles Scribner Jr
To me, the above quote speaks of the journey you take when reading. Not only does reading cause the mind to expand in basic ways--vocabulary, grammar, etc--but you are exposed to ideas and thoughts outside of your own experience. A child can imagine a fantasy world with magic and mythological creatures. A twentieth century woman can fall in love with an eighteenth century aristocrat. A middle class businessman can learn of the struggles of a starving family living in squalid conditions on the opposite side of the globe. Each new reading expands the reader's horizons.

Always do sober what you said you'd do when you were drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut!
- Charles Scribner Jr
I added the above quote simply for the humor in it. People like to talk big while under the influence, but many times won't follow through with their big plans. In some cases, things said could be dangerous, embarrassing or just plan stupid. By holding oneself to the comments made, it may cause extra thought before speaking. Or even a lessening of drinking.
On a related note, I've always felt that no one should ever use alcohol as an excuse for behavior. It seems to me that most people would do the things they do drunk while sober, if they only had the courage.

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